About Cor KC

Cor KC holistically serves male student-athletes, working to transform futures by providing access to opportunities and resources students need to succeed

Achieving in the classroom



Cor KC provides students (grades 9-12) with the skills and support needed to overcome academic barriers and gain access to future college and career opportunities. There are a number of ways Cor KC works with students:

  • Academic coaches build consistent and personal relationships with individual students. They assist the students in planning, organization, and preparation to become proactive learners and reach all their academic goals. This relationship provides the students with consistent and personalized support as coaches accompany students through their academic challenges and successes.

  • Students are offered 2-5 hours of weekly academic tutoring in various subject areas to address gaps in their educational history and allow them to reach their full academic potential.

  • Partnerships with local educators create a community of people who are working together to see students succeed in the classroom. Increased communication, academic accountability, and encouragement lead to improved educational performance.

  • A stable, well-equipped, and accessible learning environment eliminates barriers by providing students with the resources they need to achieve academic success.





Cor KC uses the positive power of athletics to help students build relationships, develop character, learn discipline, and create a pathway to a college education.

  • NCAA eligibility requirements for student-athletes can be confusing and challenging to meet. Cor KC provides student-athletes with the understanding and resources they need to meet the NCAA’s eligibility requirements.

  • Many of our student-athletes will attempt to compete in collegiate athletics. Cor KC supports the collegiate athletic recruiting process from beginning to end, from developing highlight films to traveling with athletes on recruiting visits.

  • Partnerships with athletic staff and coaches create greater communication, athletic accountability, academic eligibility, relational support, which allow students to maximize their athletic potential.





Cor KC creates opportunities for students to participate in various experiences and activities that help shape them into well-rounded people who see the world as an interesting and exciting place.

  • Students have various opportunities to serve others, from coaching local youth athletes to traveling overseas to serve in developing countries.

  • Partnerships with local organizations open doors for students to have many impactful experiences, from attending youth camps around the country to weekly hangouts and basketball shootarounds at the local church.

  • The opportunities to get outside and experience the world by hiking, climbing, camping, fishing, and biking show students that the world is bigger and more interesting than they once thought.


Growing Together



Cor KC’s foundational belief in transforming lives revolves around our staff and volunteers’ abilities to build relationships with our guys through the idea of accompaniment and to help form a network of young men growing together.

  • To accompany someone is to go somewhere with him or her, to break bread together, and to be present on a journey with a beginning and an end. It is through this practice that real change and growth can occur. (Adapted from Paul Farmer, Harvard University)

  • When asked what Cor KC is, the most frequent answer among students is “a brotherhood.” The bonds formed among like-minded guys who have a common goal and spend countless hours together create a foundation for relationships that last well beyond their high school years. Many of our students have found them “Brothers for Life” within the walls of Cor KC.